

Master the art of clown, bouffon, physical theatre and more. Directing services, character coaching and master classes.


Cours de maître en art clownesque, bouffon, théâtre physique et plus. Service de mise en scène, coaching de personnage et masterclass.

The Clown and Comedy School is pleased to announce
new workshops to be held in

2024 & 2025!

8 scholarships offered at the Clown and Comedy School!

Full-Time Study Package
from January to May 2025

Are you interested in a complete clowning training program? The full-time formula allows you to take advantage of a special rate for all courses. (252 hours in 5 months, worth over $5335! ).

Full-time formula


Pedro Fabião

Clown Hierarchy
with Pedro Fabião

  • Weekdays from September 16th to 21st 2024
  •  Mime and Physical Theatre (continuing education)

    Mime and Physical Theatre (continuing education) with René Bazinet

  • Saturday mornings from September 28th to November 23rd 2024
  • Out Teachers

    New Administration

    Francine Côté, James Keylon and now Jean Saucier offer targeted services in Creation and Masterclass, Directing, Acting Coaching, Scriptwriting and Masterclasses in Clowning (Character Research and Partnership Dynamics), Slapstick, Mime and Physical Theatre.


    This professional internship represents a milestone in my career as a clown. It allowed me to put my foot in the stirrup of exploring and anchoring my clownish state. The lessons learned are precious gifts to build my universe both in the creation of future acts, and in my approach as a therapeutic clown. I come away lit, touched and in deep gratitude for the generous teachers! I recommend it to anyone who wants to leave with a solid foundation and an openness to a world of possibilities!

    Kristel De Knibber

    I believe that this workshop is essential for almost any type of performing artist. Francine and Jean provide a safe environment to open up and be yourself. They help you understand yourself more and how to communicate better to an audience.

    Denny Snyder

    Making progress in this passion I'm revisiting, one clown nose at a time! An enriching experience that allowed me to experience the world of emotions in a real and authentic connection with myself, my play partner and the audience! Great group with whom I have shared sadness, fear, anger and joys in PLEASURE! -Sophie Lalande  

    Sophie Lalande

    Clown-2 is a very technical and content-rich workshop! This was my second time participating and I am very satisfied with the experience. It was really nice to work with Francine and Jean and to be around a group of such beautiful artists." - Mathieu St-Gelais    

    Mathieu St-Gelais

    I love the workshops at the Clown and Comedy School, I feel well supported in my practice of the art of clowning. I come out each time with a lot of knowledge that will be useful on stage. I see a real evolution of my clowning after each workshop. Francine and Jean strive to make each exercise a success. There is a mutual respect for each other. Clowning is an art form that is so close to ourselves and the other person opens up to us so much in a context of vulnerability that it is impossible not to love them. You come away with a lot of new friends. I love being part of this big family. Thank you for everything! See you soon, at Clown 3." -Raphaëlle Pépin    

    Raphaëlle Pépin

    Cette formation m'a permis d’oser être encore plus moi en découvrant entres autres l’importance d’être authentique, vulnérable, de savoir utiliser ce qui me démarque, ainsi que comment donner et recevoir du public. Faire rire le public est important mais les toucher par différentes émotions aussi. Ça m’a permis d’aller à la rencontre de richesses insoupçonnées en moi qui me permettre de créer encore plus d'infinies possibilités autant dans l’approche thérapeutique du clown que dans le Yoga du rire. Quelle énergie, espace, conscience, magie et possibilité puis-je être pour inspirer encore plus de gens à choisir de s’émerveiller de tous ces magnifiques cadeaux que la vie nous offre? Un merci incommensurable pour ces moments enrichissants de rire et de vulnérabilité, à Jean & Francine et à cette nouvelle belle famille de clowns. Oser être soi est une richesse inestimable pour toi, pour tes proches et pour le monde. Oseras-tu t’inscrire aux prochaines formations afin de découvrir le magnifique cadeau que tu es?" *****   "This training allowed me to dare to be even more me by discovering, among other things, the importance of being authentic, vulnerable, knowing how to use what sets me apart, as well as how to give and receive. public. Making the public laugh is important but touching them with different emotions too. It allowed me to meet unsuspected riches within me which allowed me to create even more infinite possibilities both in the therapeutic approach of the clown and in Laughter Yoga. What energy, space, awareness, magic, and possibility can I be to inspire even more people to choose to marvel at all of these wonderful gifts that life gives us? An immeasurable thank you for these enriching moments of laughter and vulnerability, to Jean & Francine and to this new beautiful family of clowns. Daring to be yourself is an invaluable wealth for you, for your loved ones and for the world. Do you dare to register for the next trainings in order to discover the magnificent gift that you are?

    Marie-Chantale Roussel

    Je crois que cet atelier est essentiel pour presque tous les types d'artistes de la scène. Francine et Jean offrent un environnement sécuritaire pour s'ouvrir et être soi-même. Ils vous aident à mieux vous comprendre et à mieux communiquer avec un public." "I believe that this workshop is essential for almost any type of performing artist. Francine and Jean provide a safe environment to open up and be yourself. They help you understand yourself more and how to communicate better to an audience.

    Denny Snyder